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台灣總代理 : 丹耀貿易有限公司

ACE Controls Inc.

Ace 吸震器 創新設計技術比較與研討

General Information

ACE pioneered the use of one piece / closed end bodies and inner pressure chambers in its range of shock ab sorbers. This design concept provides an extremely strong construction which can withstand much higher internal pressures and overload forces without mechanical damage. Consider what happens if the shock absorber is accidentally overloaded or in the unlikely event of partial oil loss due to excessive seal wear or damage. Compare the internal design used by ACE with that of some of its competitors:







ACE 更高的革命性創新設計

ACE SC² Heavyweight 活塞管和流量孔口一體的創新技術:
跟標準的設計比較,此設計產品的液壓油排出可以提供200%吸收能量,更高的有效重量值範圍,可以在更廣大範圍的機械設計運用。  產品:SC300M-HV~650M-HV





ACE Shock Absorber

ACE builds its shock absorbers with closed end/one piece bodies and inner pressure chambers which greatly reduces the chance of sudden failure or machine damage in the event of an overload.


What happens with an overload or gradual oil loss?
Harder bottoming out force becomes apparent.
The shock absorber continues to work and can be replaced then or at the end of the shift.


Corrective Action:
Remove and replace the shock absorber. Refill with fresh oil or repair.

Other Shock Absorber

Some other manufacturers use bodies and inner pressure
chambers made from tube stock. The internal parts are held in by a snap ring etc. which then takes all the load and can fail suddenly and catastrophically.


What happens with an overload or gradual oil loss?
The snap ring breaks or is extruded due to excessive force.
Machine damage!! Equipment Stops!!
Production Halted!! Emergency Repair!!


Corrective Action:
Remove and replace the shock absorber with
new one (repair not possible).


v = 6.56 ft/sec (2 m/s) v = 4.92 ft/sec (1.5 m/s) v = 3.28 ft/sec (1 m/s) v = 1.64 ft/sec (0.5 m/s) v = 0 ft/sec (0 m/s)

當移動中的負載衝擊到吸震器時,活塞在行程中移動迫使油經由多孔口流出內管,全部的孔口區會隨著衝擊速度的衰退比例持續在沒有高峰力的情況中減速(上圖),達到完美的力(N) Vs (S/t)平穩直線減速吸震性能以及(V) Vs (t)線性減速率曲線。(下圖說明)

* As a moving load impacts the shock absorber, the piston travels through stroke and forces hydraulic fluid through the multiorifice inner tube. The total orifice area decreases at a rate consistent with the decay of impact velocity, resulting in true linear deceleration.

F=Force (N) 力
P=Internal Pressure (bar) 內部壓力
S=Stroke (m) 減速吸震行程
T=Deceleration Time (sec) 減速時間
V=Velocity (m/s) 速度

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無磨擦  膜片氣缸

最低動作壓力 : 0.015bar

